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Your impact in 2019: Responding in times of crisis

Your impact in 2019: Responding in times of crisis

When disaster struck in 2019, you were there. This year, Hurricane Dorian decimated the Bahamas, and it was unlike anything people there had experienced before. The winds screamed and the rain fell as people prayed for survival. Many described it as the scariest...
In 2019, you shared the Gospel around the world

In 2019, you shared the Gospel around the world

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son …” (John 3:16, KJV) If you grew up going to church, this is likely one of the first verses you learned. It sums up the greatest truth there is — that we are loved by God, and that Jesus is the only way to...
This Children of the World alum is changing the world through film

This Children of the World alum is changing the world through film

Joy loves a good story, and why shouldn’t she? After all, she’s living a pretty great one thanks to her generous sponsor. Today, Joy sees her world through the lens of her camera. But 14 years ago, she got to look at life through a different lens as a member of the...
The gift of a Bible saved a man’s life … and started a revival

The gift of a Bible saved a man’s life … and started a revival

Gregorio knows firsthand the power that God’s Word can have in someone’s life. After all, reading the Bible saved his life during one of his darkest moments. And because of generous donors like you, Gregorio can now share God’s Word with his entire community in...
It’s time to celebrate your impact!

It’s time to celebrate your impact!

2018 was an incredible year of rescuing people in need — and you played a part in that! Whether you helped deliver Bibles to persecuted Christians in North Korea, fed starving children around the world, or gave in another way, you helped transform lives … both...
We’re thankful for YOU!

We’re thankful for YOU!

Right now, you’re probably busy preparing side dishes, watching a football game or parade, and spending time with your family. You might be counting down to the big dinner … or maybe just the post-dinner nap.But here at World Help, we couldn’t let today go by without...
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