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A life torn apart … healed with a gift

A life torn apart … healed with a gift

Aria stood alone in her kitchen, preparing her family’s dinner. She hauled an oversized pot onto the stovetop and slowly poured in cooking oil. She cut up vegetables and meat just as her mother had shown her when she was a little girl. Now at 14 years old, Aria knew...
The meaning behind your sponsored child’s name

The meaning behind your sponsored child’s name

What is it that makes being called by name so special? Maybe it makes us feel known or understood. Maybe we like knowing that someone cared enough to remember. But no matter why you like it, we can all agree that names are special. That’s why it’s so important to...
Important: New Christ-followers in Cuba!

Important: New Christ-followers in Cuba!

I had been looking forward to my trip to Cuba for months. Over the past several years, the island nation has experienced incredible social and political change. And in the middle of that change, a rapidly growing and thriving network of local churches had emerged. But...
The Bible: a wellspring in dry places

The Bible: a wellspring in dry places

“Jesus answered, ‘Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life’” John 4:13-14, NIV. It’s far more...
Your 2017 impact in photos: Children of the World

Your 2017 impact in photos: Children of the World

This past year was full of joy for the Children of the World International Children’s Choir. In August, the 2017-2018 choir members arrived in the United States, and they’re now halfway through a journey filled with learning, friendships, and the happiness that comes...
Your 2017 impact in photos: Community development

Your 2017 impact in photos: Community development

“I don’t know where I would be without you.” Those are such encouraging words to hear, aren’t they? They tell you that you’ve truly made a difference. And it’s remarkable to think someone you’ve never met — on the other side of the globe — feels that way about you!...
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