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The Power of Giving: How Small Gifts Can Make A HUGE Impact!

The Power of Giving: How Small Gifts Can Make A HUGE Impact!

  In the news, we sometimes see stories of actors, singers, and entrepreneurs donating millions of dollars to a nonprofit of their choosing. While these gifts are incredible, it can leave you wondering — does my small gift really make a difference? The answer is...
5 Ways to Make a Big Impact in 2025

5 Ways to Make a Big Impact in 2025

  Happy 2025! The start of a new year is a great time to create goals for the coming year. That’s why one-third of Americans commit to at least one New Year’s resolution every January.   Many people choose self-improvement goals like bettering their health,...
Why Does Your Holiday Gift Matter?

Why Does Your Holiday Gift Matter?

  Christmas is the season of giving. So it’s no surprise that 30 percent of yearly nonprofit giving happens in the month of December. But statistics aside, why is it important to give during the holidays? Here are a few reasons why your gift matters this...
How Do Your Gifts Help People Like Jamila?

How Do Your Gifts Help People Like Jamila?

  Food. One of the greatest needs in Afghanistan since the Taliban’s takeover in 2021 is food. Our partner on the ground recently reported that over 50% of the population suffers from high levels of hunger and malnutrition. A staggering 44% of children under 5...
This Family Has Been Transforming Lives for Generations

This Family Has Been Transforming Lives for Generations

  When Cotton and Betsy Verhoeven first heard about World Help, they had no idea God was about to begin a work in them that would span three generations and last for over 25 years. As a young couple, they were introduced to World Help through Kingdom Partners, a...
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