On the surface, Aimable, Sozan, and Malti are very different people. They live in different parts of the world, speak different languages, and practice different customs and cultural traditions.
But they do have something in common — they all once lived in overwhelming poverty. Not anymore, though. Today, they have all learned a vocation and are part of successful businesses.
And because people like you purchased their merchandise from the World Help Christmas Giving catalog, they are making strides toward breaking the cycle of poverty for good. Life has never been more promising for them and their families.

Aimable: Carving out a better life in Rwanda
For years, Aimable struggled to provide for his family. He felt defined by his disability. He had difficulty walking, which in Rwanda, also meant it was challenging to find a job. He worried about not putting enough food on the table for his children or providing for their needs.
Then, Aimable discovered something that changed his life — he was introduced to woodworking. He was soon able to make and sell beautiful hand-carved items; his business was booming. Aimable began teaching others in his community how to craft beautiful items from the wood of the local Jacaranda and Musanze trees. Today, he has employees working for him.
Aimable is now a homeowner and has been able to purchase livestock — all thanks to his woodworking business.
When you purchase gifts like this hand-carved nativity, it not only helps people like Aimable escape poverty, but it also helps boost the economy of entire Rwandan villages.
*The purchase of one hand-carved nativity also provides 45 meals for hungry children.
Sozan: A fresh start through the art of soap making
Unfortunately, the beginning of every refugee’s story starts with tragedy. Sozan’s story is no exception.
She lost her home, her job, her peace of mind, and her pride all in an instant. After barely escaping ISIS, she found herself living in a leaking shipping container … not exactly a place you would call home.
Then, hope came in a most unexpected form — a bar of soap.

Our partners taught Sozan and other Iraqi refugees the art of soap making so they could start their own businesses and begin to rebuild their lives. Sozan and her fellow soap makers are praising God that they are independent and can provide a sufficient income for their families.
And when you support their businesses, you encourage their entrepreneurial spirit, bolstering families’ livelihoods and their self-esteem.
*The purchase of each bar of soap also provides 10 meals for hungry children.
Malti: Stitching her way to success in the Himalayas
Give a woman a role in the workforce, and you’ll empower her forever. Malti knows this to be true because she’s seen it in her own life.
In her small Himalayan village, women tend to be marginalized and are given few opportunities to make a living. But Malti has been the sole breadwinner for her family for years, struggling to keep her younger siblings clothed and fed.
Every day was a fight to survive until Malti learned how to create beautiful purses and wallets. She now has a regular income, and her life has purpose.

Malti spends her days making bags alongside other women and men who have been empowered through this business. While most of the workers are stitchers like Malti, others are busy mixing dyes, weaving fabrics, printing canvas, or cutting cloth and leather.
The results are products like this blue suede clutch. The purchase of these items allows artisans like Malti to provide for their families. They take pride in making something that people want to buy — even on the other side of the world!
*The purchase of either a blue or tan suede clutch also provides 45 meals for hungry children.
Thank you for supporting the hard work of people like Aimable, Sozan, and Malti by shopping for merchandise in the World Help Christmas Giving catalog. Your generosity opens the door for ambitious men and women to build better futures and grow their local economies. That’s a powerful gift!
Click below to browse all merchandise items available this holiday season.