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Bibles3 min read


Death, where is your sting?

Blog Team
Apr 21, 2019

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

Today, versions of this cry will be spoken in churches around the world. For some there will be Easter baskets, new outfits, and honey-baked ham. It is a day of celebration. And for those of us who have grown up celebrating Easter our whole lives, it can be easy to forget the magnitude of this day.

For Christians living in Iran, Easter takes on special meaning. Iranians are just a two-day journey from the empty tomb; however, many have no idea what an important day it is. But Christians there have borne great persecution and suffering to celebrate this day. They don’t want Easter baskets or new clothes — they want Bibles so they can read for themselves the triumphant and awe-inspiring story of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

You see, the message of Easter is life altering. “He is risen,” tells us not only that Jesus is alive, but that sin, shame, brokenness, and even death is finished. The grave is conquered. Death is not the end, not for those who follow Christ.

His ultimate sacrifice paved the way for eternal life with Him. For Christians facing persecution in Iran, this is particularly powerful. They face danger for their faith on a daily basis. In fact, Iran is among the top 10 most dangerous countries for Christians — many have lost their lives! But the Bible promises them hope.

There’s just one problem. Many Christians in Iran have no access to a Bible of their own. They live in a “Bible desert,” a place where copies of God’s Word are extremely rare.

These men and women long to read the story of Christ and share it with others, but copies are scarce, so they satisfy themselves with snippets of verses they have heard and memorized.

But this Easter, you can give someone in Iran his very first Bible. You can show him in a tangible way how much God loves him.

For just $10, you can be an answer to prayer and deliver God’s Word into the hands of a waiting Iranian believer. By sending a Bible, you will encourage men and women as they face persecution and strengthen them as they share their faith with others.

St. Augustine of Hippo once said of Christians, “We are an Easter people, and ‘Alleluia’ is our song.”

When Jesus rose from the grave, He appeared first to a group of women. After they finally recovered from the shock of seeing Him alive, He gave them a charge — Go. Tell the others about what you have seen. Tell them the truth of Easter. Tell them that Jesus is alive and that this changes everything.

This is still our mission today.

What Christ did for us is the best news there is, and we must share that Good News with others. One way you can do that today is by providing Bibles to people in Iran.

The Bible you send will help strengthen a believer and give him the tools he needs to bring the message of Christ to the country of Iran.

Is there any better way to celebrate Easter?


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