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Where Needed Most4 min read


DOUBLE your impact when you give by March 31

Blog Team
Feb 17, 2021

World Help’s fiscal year is about to come to a close, and your help is urgently needed.

Your gift will help avoid a revenue shortfall so as many people as possible will continue to receive essentials like food, clean water, medical care, Bibles, and other help they desperate need.

Plus, when you give by March 31, your donation will DOUBLE up to $135,000, thanks to a matching gift.

Revenue is down, but the needs around the world are greater than ever before. That’s why it’s crucial for generous people like you to get involved.

With your doubled gift, you’ll help people like …

Starving families facing famine

Because of the pandemic, families and entire communities are being pushed to the brink of starvation. We’re hearing stories from the front lines of these famines every day.

“Please send more food!” our partners continue to beg.

Plus, the U.N. is predicting “famines of biblical proportions” this year.

Your gift will provide 2X as many people with emergency food and other life-changing help and hope.

Ethiopians facing violence

Back in November, a civil war broke out between the Ethiopian government and the rulers of Tigray, a semi-autonomous region of the country. The government claimed victory, but neither side has stopped fighting.

It is reported that more than 50,000 people may have already died as a result of the conflict. And approximately 100,000 refugees who were living in camps throughout Tigray have now fled their shelters.

Some of them are even eating tree bark and drinking from dirty puddles just to survive.

“Life was difficult even before the Tigray conflict,” our Ethiopian partner said. “Now, with the shortages of food, disruptions in the supply chain, prolonged instability, and communication shutdowns, these families face even greater challenges.”

Your gift will help provide food and hygiene items to these families in Ethiopia and so many others.

Venezuela refugees struggling to survive

Venezuela was facing a severe humanitarian crisis even before the pandemic. Extreme inflation and soaring food costs led to a food shortage so bad that people began flooding out of the country as refugees.

The number of Venezuelan refugees is quickly nearing that of Syria, and many experts predict it could soon become home to world’s largest refugee crisis. Unfortunately, Venezuela has received just a fraction of the media coverage that Syria’s crisis did.

These people are struggling, and they’re being forgotten. You gift will show them that they aren’t forgotten … and you will help them survive.

Your special gift will help make all the difference to these and so many other people in need!

And thanks to the matching gift, every $12 you give will DOUBLE to help rescue TWO people.

You’ll help provide blankets and warm clothing for elderly refugees … emergency food and clean water for disaster victims … medical treatment for malnourished babies … Bibles for persecuted believers … and so much more.

Best of all, you’ll do it all while showing these people the love of God.

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