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Africa1 min read


Extraordinary Africa: Stories of Hope Unfold

After months of dreaming and planning, it’s finally here . . . our blogging journey through Africa is about to begin!

Every time I go to Africa, I’m simply overwhelmed. The beauty of the people here is extraordinary. But they face some very daunting challenges . . . disease, war, genocide, poverty. The needs seem endless.

But what I’m always struck by most are the stories.

Beyond the suffering, the challenges, and the obstacles are stories of real people whose lives are being transformed every day by hope.  These stories tell me that there’s more to Africa than meets the eye.

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Watch Blogging in Africa | Join the Story from World Help on Vimeo.

To paint a picture of an Africa without hope is to depict something that simply isn’t true.

Africa is brimming with hope. In fact, the Africa I know and love is filled with some of the most creative, innovative, kind, and joyful people I’ve ever met.

They need our help. They need our gifts. They need our prayers. But most of all, they need us to see them: to see their lives in full view rather than from far away. They need us to tell the truth about their stories and to walk alongside them in their struggles.

World Help Bloggers Africa

That’s what you’re invited to do today. You’re invited to join us as we tell the stories of people that need to be seen. People that we can learn from. People that we can serve. People that we can celebrate as the recipients of hope, even in the midst of heartache.

Get each update from our talented team of storytellers by simply subscribing here.

My prayer is that every story you read will connect you to the purpose behind our work: To bring help and hope, and to breathe life into a story . . . a beautiful story that’s unfolding from the lives of people we serve.

Join us today for this unforgettable journey!


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