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From the Field3 min read


From the field | Rebuilding Rwanda one child at a time

Vernon Brewer
Jul 20, 2017

My trip to Africa this past week marks 30 years since I first stepped foot on this beautiful continent. I’ve been back to Africa many times since — traveling to several different countries and villages. But one of my favorite places to visit will always be Rwanda. This nation is a powerful example of how God can transform even the darkest situations.

Two decades ago, Rwanda experienced a terrible genocide that killed nearly 1 million people in a little over a month and left the country in ruins. But after the killing finally ended, something incredible happened.

Many of the people — especially the Rwandan believers — responded with forgiveness instead of bitterness. They focused on rebuilding instead of retaliating. And a light began to emerge in this country.

As we visited Star School, one of World Help’s sponsorship programs, I could see that light shining in the eyes of Rwanda’s children. They are the next generation of Christian leaders.

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Star School is an incredible place. It’s home to nearly 900 students who are learning about the love of Jesus Christ. Everything is centered on God’s Word, and the atmosphere is filled with joy.

If you saw my Facebook Live video, you know what I mean. We were able to listen as the boys and girls sang praises to God. How encouraging!

From the ashes of genocide, these young lives are rising up and bringing change. This country is transforming, and I’m so happy to be a part of what God is doing in Rwanda.

More than 100 children at Star School wouldn’t be here today without the help of a generous sponsor. Because someone came along side them, they now have access to food, clothing, medicine, and most importantly, a Christian education.

I truly believe education is the ticket out of poverty. And our child sponsors are making sure these boys and girls have their ticket.

I asked you this when I told you about the need in Uganda, but I’m going to ask you again because I believe it’s that important: Will you please consider sponsoring a child?

The children I’ve met on this trip are so grateful for the opportunity to have a sponsor. They’ve told me over and over again how much it means to them.

Just think how happy it would make a child today to learn that he or she finally had someone who wants to help them succeed — you.

For a little over a dollar a day, you can ensure a child has a promising future. You can inspire one of Africa’s leaders of tomorrow, leaving a lifesaving and world-changing impact.


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