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How Sponsorship Works


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Receive your welcome packet in the mail with more info on your child


Continue giving monthly or annually to meet your child's needs and write letters to stay in touch

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Waiting 9 Years

Anisha Giri

I'm a 13-year-old girl from India, and you can change my world for good. Make me part of your family, and help me reach my God-given potential. $40 a month can help transform my community and change my world.

Meet Anisha

13 Years Old
Waiting 9 Years

Raj Giri

I'm a 12-year-old boy from India, and you can change my world for good. Make me part of your family, and help me reach my God-given potential. $40 a month can help transform my community and change my world.

Meet Raj

12 Years Old
Waiting 9 Years

Manisha Makwana

Manisha is a creative young girl who loves to express herself through dancing. She is working hard to excel in school and especially enjoys her science class. Manisha hopes to someday use her education to become a doctor and help those who are sick and hurting. Living in the slums of Indore, poverty has been a constant companion for Manisha and her family. Her parents work hard to try to make ends meet, but their best efforts often fall short. Due to their circumstances, Manisha is forced to go without the basic essentials every young girl deserves. Sponsorship now gives Manisha access to things like educational assistance, nutritious meals, and basic medical care.

Meet Manisha

10 Years Old
Waiting 9 Years

Priyanka Makwana

Priyanka is a loving and gentle young girl. She is working hard to make good grades in school, and especially enjoys her Hindi class. With a spirit of bravery, Priyanka aspires to one day become a police officer and defend justice in her community. Poverty has been a constant companion for Priyanka and her family. Her father works long hours, but only receives little pay. Oftentimes, his earnings cannot even provide Priyanka with basic essentials. Sponsorship now gives Priyanka access to things like educational assistance, nutritious meals, and basic medical care.

Meet Priyanka

12 Years Old
Waiting 9 Years

Manjita Jatwa

Manjita is an intelligent young girl with a passion for learning new things. In school, she is working hard to succeed and she particularly enjoys her science class. With great aspiration and an interest in education, Manjita desires to someday become a professor. Manjita and her family's lives have been enveloped in poverty. Her father labors long hours as a vegetable seller, but does not earn much profit. Her mother stays home to tend to the housework and the family, so she is unable to help financially. Unfortunately, Manjita often lacks the things she desperately needs. Sponsorship now gives Manjita access to things like educational assistance, nutritious meals, and basic medical care.

Meet Manjita

13 Years Old
Waiting 9 Years


Ashish is a quiet and friendly young boy who likes to read his favorite novels in his free time. A good student, he enjoys growing in his knowledge of the world around him but has taken a special interest in learning the English language. One day, Ashish dreams of sharing his love of learning by becoming a teacher in his community. Ashish is certainly no stranger to poverty. His mother and father work long, arduous hours as laborers in their village, but they often earn very inconsistent and unreliable wages. Due to their circumstances, they struggle to make ends meet. Through sponsorship, Ashish will receive things like durable clothing and a continuing education.

Meet Ashish

12 Years Old
Waiting 8 Years

Achelun John Peter

Achelun is so friendly that he never has trouble making new friends. One day, he dreams of finishing school and becoming a successful doctor in his village. He loves to be creative and his favorite activity is drawing beautiful pictures. Achelun?s parents work as petty traders in their village for a small income; however, they struggle to make ends meet. Although they are supportive of Achelun?s dreams, they frequently struggle to make ends meet. Through sponsorship, Achelun will receive things like nutritious meals, clothing, basic medical care, and a continuing education.

Meet Achelun

12 Years Old
Waiting 8 Years

Emilly Edith Namutaawe

Emilly makes friends easily and enjoys spending her free time singing or playing netball. She looks forward to attending school each day and likes to express her creativity in her art class. With a kind spirit, Emilly has dreams of becoming a teacher and helping others learn. Although Emilly is a cheerful child, she has faced tragedy in her young life. Her mother died when she was a baby and her father was unable to care for their children on his own. Emilly and her siblings now live with their aunt. Although their aunt works hard to care for them, she struggles to afford even basic necessities. Through sponsorship, Emilly will receive things like nutritious meals, basic medical care, and a quality education.

Meet Emilly Edith

12 Years Old
Waiting 8 Years

Amos Faga

Amos is an outgoing, friendly young boy who likes to play soccer with other children. He is learning to read and write in school, but his favorite subject is drawing. When Amos grows up, he wants to be a doctor so he can help people feel better. Amos? father works as a petty trader and his mother stays home to take care of him. Because his father only earns a low income, he cannot afford to pay Amos? school tuition fees or buy him school supplies. Sponsorship will now provide Amos with things like nutritious food, school supplies, and a continuing education.

Meet Amos

12 Years Old
Waiting 8 Years

Lindon Tugumenawe

Lindon is a cheerful young boy who enjoys playing soccer with his friends. He is creative and curious and often reads adventure stories in school, and he likes to help his parents around the house by fetching water. Someday, he hopes he can help teach others by becoming a teacher. Lindon is all too familiar with poverty. His parents both look for daily labor in their village but frequently do not make enough money to provide for the family?s basic needs. Through sponsorship, Lindon will now have access to things like nutritious meals, durable clothing, basic medical care, and a continuing education.

Meet Lindon

13 Years Old
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