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From the Field2 min read


From the Field: Transformation in Guatemala

Vernon Brewer
Jun 13, 2012

Today I’m on the field in Guatemala working with a group of pastors from across the nation who want to make a difference on a global scale.

It’s been an incredible trip already; I don’t even know where to begin.

We’ve visited children at our Baby Rescue Center who were once on the verge of death and have now been rescued and are on the road to recovery. We washed the feet of little children who were about to receive their very first pair of shoes—ever! And we even had the opportunity to worship with some of the most passionate Christ followers in the world.

But we also came for another purpose.

Guatemala is a beautiful place with a rich mountainous landscape that can’t quite be captured in a photo. But the harsh realities that the people here face are virtually impossible for you and me to conceive. Poverty is rampant, and the effects can be seen everywhere—from the dirty, contaminated water used for drinking to the bloated bellies of the babies who must be rescued from chronic malnutrition—the desperation is haunting.

Eighty percent of rural Guatemalans live in extreme poverty. Can you begin to imagine?

That’s why I’m so excited to introduce these pastors to World Help’s Total Village Transformation, the project that is changing lives . . . from the ground up. Its balanced, holistic change offers help and restores hope for an entire community by addressing the following needs:

  • Clean water
  • Preventative health care
  • A place to worship
  • Spiritual development
  • A school
  • Sustainable agriculture programs

Dozens of churches have already taken on the challenge, and we’re beginning to see remarkable results.

Dependency is declining. Dignity is growing. People are smiling. Children are no longer hungry. Hope is being restored.

That’s what I love about TVT—it’s designed to stop the cycle of handouts that go along with the typical “charity” model. It’s all about redeeming what’s been lost, and giving people the tools and opportunities to thrive, right where they are. It has been incredible to see.

I’m praying that everyone on this trip will catch the vision of what God has allowed us to do through TVT. We desperately need more church leaders who are passionate about investing in impoverished communities, and involving their congregations in making an eternal difference.

Stay tuned for more updates from Guatemala by following me (@vernonbrewer) and World Help (@world_help) on Twitter .

Thanks for your prayers and support. Please continue to pray that God uses this trip to change lives and impact people for good.

To find out more about Total Village Transformation, visit


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