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Child Sponsorship2 min read


Genius is Made, Not Born

Blog Team
Sep 13, 2016

What builds a child’s self-confidence? 

Some might say that experience builds confidence, while others might suggest words of affirmation. But most would probably guess that it’s a good mix of both.

Surprisingly, recent studies have shown that children who are praised for “natural” gifts, abilities, and intelligence display lower levels of self-confidence than those praised for their strong work ethic, determination, and genuine passion.

Why is this?

Children who believe they are born with special gifts and talents often feel pressure to live up to them. They may even believe these gifts determine their worth. 

But what if genius is made, not born?

What if the kind of genius that can change the world is actually just the product of hard work, dedication, and the support of a loving community?

World Help Child Sponsorship Back to School

Children with the highest self-esteem realize their success is not based on one special or unique gift, but rather on their hard work and positive attitude, even when they fail.

Simply showing a child their efforts are seen and valued instills the confidence necessary to step into their God-given calling.

With the start of a new school year just a few weeks out, this is the perfect opportunity to encourage your sponsored child to continue their hard work at school. 

Even though you may be thousands of miles apart, the Back to School project is a great way to show your sponsored child you are present in thoughts, prayers, and loving support.

Here’s how you can build confidence this fall: 

Send a Card of Encouragement: You should have received the Back-to-School package in the mail. In it, you’ll find a special card for your sponsored child with a bookmark cutout. Write a personalized message in the space provided so they are reminded of your love and support! Then, simply return your card in the envelope provided by September 28, 2016.

Give to the Back to School fund: By choosing to give an additional financial gift to the Back to School project, you will help provide extra school supplies, fund the cost of teachers and staff, and enhance your child’s educational experience by covering the cost of any supplemental activities, ensuring they will receive more opportunities this year.

World Help Back to School

Tingneitling is a student in India who has experienced firsthand the difference sponsorship makes:

I am really grateful to my sponsor and God for the wonders they are working in my life. I am now in the 6th grade. I enjoy school a lot. My favorite subject is political science and I want to become a teacher when I grow up. I would like to help others in need and follow the example of my sponsor.

As a sponsor, have a unique platform to instill self-confidence and purpose in your sponsored child’s life, and your words of encouragement and continued investment are doing exactly that.

Ultimately, children who grow up to change the world are simply those who know how much they’re loved.

Thank you for changing the world with us.



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