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Don’t miss what’s happening next week!

Blog Team
Nov 21, 2017

Giving Tuesday is next week, and there’s a rumor something BIG is happening.

Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday each come with special offers to help shoppers save on their holiday purchases. But only Giving Tuesday offers you the opportunity to change someone’s life. 

And this Giving Tuesday, there will be a special announcement that will make your giving go even further. So stay tuned and be sure to check your email Nov. 28!

This one day defined by generosity is a chance to give back and help someone in need! In this season of trying to find gifts for family and friends who seem to have everything, it’s a time to reflect on those who have so little.

How you choose to give and how much you give are not important. What matters is doing something that will make a difference that will last — long after the Christmas lights are taken down and packed up for next year.

Whether you give a life-changing gift from the World Help Gifts catalog, send a Bible to a persecuted Christian, or help someone living in poverty, you will be showing others the love of Christ and making an eternal impact.

So on Thanksgiving, give thanks! And on Giving Tuesday, give back. Give someone help for today … and hope for tomorrow!

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