Thanksgiving is this week, so the next few days may be busier than usual as you finish your grocery shopping, test that new dessert recipe, and make sure the house is spotless before your dinner guests arrive.
It’s a busy time of year, but it’s also one of the most fun, especially since you get to spend quality time with your family.
Maybe you go around the table and have everyone name one thing they’re thankful for. Or perhaps you play a game together after the big meal.
If you don’t have a fun Thanksgiving activity planned (or if you have space for one more), consider choosing one or more gifts as a family from the World Help Christmas Giving catalog.

No matter which gift you choose, every gift inside the World Help Christmas Giving catalog will help transform the lives of people in need
Not only will everyone enjoy browsing the catalog and looking at the beautiful photos, but it’s also a chance to learn about other families around the globe who don’t have as much.
Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on God’s blessings in your life. And giving a gift from the World Help Christmas Giving catalog is a meaningful way to show gratitude by giving back and helping someone in need as a family.
That’s why the Ault family decided to make giving life-changing gifts a holiday tradition.
“We have been given so much here, and we have the choice to consume it all or give,” Michele-Lyn Ault said.
Her family loves picking out a gift together each year … and yours will, too!

A simple pair of shoes can offer protection for a child living in poverty, plus give them the chance to attend school!
Whether you give chickens to a starving family, shoes to a child with blistered feet, Bibles to persecuted believers, or choose to help transform a life in another way, the gifts you choose to give as a family will make an incredible impact around the world.
So, start a new tradition with your family this Thanksgiving. Provide help and hope for other families in need by giving a gift from the World Help Christmas Giving catalog!