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Child Sponsorship2 min read


You could meet your sponsored child

April Stumme
Jul 21, 2017

When you think of the ultimate sponsorship experience, what comes to mind? For many, it’s probably getting to meet your child.

Every year, some of our Children of the World choir members have the opportunity to meet their sponsors. That meeting is always special, but only a few lucky sponsors get to experience it — not every sponsor’s child gets selected for the choir.

But even if your child isn’t in the choir, you might still be able to meet him or her! And you could meet in your sponsored child’s home country.

World Help offers several trips each year that are open to all donors. You can sign up to see firsthand the work we are doing in different countries. Guatemala and Uganda are two common destinations, and these trips often include visits to sponsorship programs.

If your sponsored child is part of one of these programs, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to meet him or her! You can spend time together playing games or simply getting to know each other better.

Meeting your sponsored child face to face is often an emotional experience for everyone involved. You can read one woman’s story of meeting her sponsored children here and another here.

The best way to find out about our trips is to check our trips page on our website. And if you find a trip that might allow you to meet your sponsored child, call our office to find out if you can arrange a meeting!

By sponsoring a child, you’re taking part in an incredible relationship that will transform a child’s future. Meeting your child is just one way to make that relationship even stronger. Even if you never have the chance to meet in person, you can be sure that your sponsored child knows how much you care.

But if you do have the opportunity to visit your sponsored child — take it. It’ll be a journey that transforms both of your lives.

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