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Child Sponsorship2 min read


Sponsors We Love: Susan’s Journey to Uganda

Feb 09, 2016

Have you ever wondered how much of an impact child sponsorship really makes?  

Sometimes it’s hard to imagine that you can truly establish a life-giving relationship with a child from across the world . . . that your monthly donations and letters in the mail are really touching the heart of a child who needs you.

After four years of sponsorship, Dr. Susan Davis had the chance to see firsthand the impact her investment was making.

Evah and Zahara

She traveled to Uganda in October 2014 with a plan to surprise her sponsored children with a visit to the Good Samaritan School. When she arrived on campus, the children immediately recognized the smiling face of woman who had been writing letters for years . . . and their eyes filled with tears of joy.

“Mummy Susan, you always said you would come to visit us, as you have! We fasted and prayed for this day,” they told her emphatically.

To the children she’d chosen to believe in, she was far more than a sponsor, she was “Mummy Susan”—someone special who was making their dreams possible. 

Good Samaritan home

During her time in Uganda, Susan not only spent meaningful time with the children, she also had the opportunity to tour the school campus that her investments made possible.

“What surprised me most was the quality and the services of the establishments that are supported by World Help in Uganda. Second to none!” Susan said. 

In the years following her trip, Susan’s confidence in the impact of sponsorship, and her passion for seeing the lives of her children transformed has only continued to grow.

Joy and Florence


“My dreams for my children are that they continue to be steeped in the faith, do well in school, and grow into wholesome, productive young adults who value and appreciate God’s Grace on their lives, and use it to chart their paths in life,” Susan said.

“[Sponsorship] has given me a spirit of humility and appreciation, a sense of fulfillment and compassion, and above all . . . a sense of purpose!”  


Love believes transformation is possible and that is what makes all the difference in the life of an impoverished child. With Valentine’s Day less than a week out, there is no better time to pour your love into the life of a desperately needy child.

This year, allow the love that has shaped your life to overflow into the life of someone else. Love is how transformation happens.



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