Not long ago, I stood just miles outside of Mosul as the battle to retake the city was underway. Now, as I write to you, Iraqi forces are working to reclaim the last few blocks under ISIS control. The media reports, “Mosul has been liberated.”
But the fight isn’t over … not for us. Now is when we’re needed most.
Refugees are in desperate need of lifesaving aid. And for just $35, you can supply one refugee with emergency food, clean water, medicine, and more.
As our partners on the ground rush to provide critical emergency relief to war-ravaged people, the needs and horrific stories they hear of ISIS’ brutality are overwhelming.

I’ll warn you, the following young mother’s story is gruesome. I even considered not sharing this, but we can’t turn away from the horrors of this unyielding evil. We must respond.
After ISIS captured this young woman, they took her baby away from her and starved the young mother for three days. When they finally offered her a plate of food, she eagerly ate it, not knowing when her next meal would arrive. It was only then that her cruel guards looked down at her and said, “We cooked your one-year-old son, and this is what you just ate.”
She was horrified.
Sadly, stories like this one are all too common inside Mosul. These people have endured more than we could ever imagine.
Please don’t look away at this time. World Help supporters have brought relief to the frontlines since the very start … let’s not give up now.
The people inside the city need immediate food and medical care. They’ve been cut off from adequate food for months, and some parents have been forced to feed their children grass and even boiled cardboard boxes just to keep them alive. Can you imagine?
We must do something.
Even though they have been liberated, we cannot afford to forget about them. Please give what you can to help a Mosul refugee today.
Just $35 sends $189 worth of lifesaving food, clean water, medicine, and more to a person in need.