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Featured Stories4 min read



Emily Towns
Oct 26, 2017

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path … — Psalm 119:105, ESV

Those words stood out on the page, underlined in smeared, black ink by a shaking hand. The thin, red Bible — a gift from my parents before I left for college — bore the wear and tear of six long years. Scribbled notes and prayers filled the margins. Its golden-edged pages were faded and frayed, wrinkled where stray tears or drips of coffee left their mark.

I was living overseas and battling deep depression, something I didn’t think Christians were supposed to experience. I felt isolated and afraid, but the words in that tattered red Bible brought me comfort, hope, and light on my dark and difficult path. God was with me; there was nothing to fear.

This is my Bible story.

I received my first Bible the day I was born. It was white and satiny and covered with lace — the kind of keepsake you give to a first granddaughter.

Since then I have gathered quite the collection of Bibles on my shelf, each marking a particular time in my life and my journey with God.

There’s the blue Precious Moments Bible I carried to Sunday School as a child — the one I used to memorize John 3:16.

There’s the trendy magazine-format Bible my sister gave me, convincing me that maybe reading the Bible could be cool after all.

There’s the golden-colored New Living Translation I carried in my backpack through high school, trying desperately to navigate those difficult teen years with grace.

I am the owner of at least 10 different Bibles, probably more. There hasn’t been one minute in my life when I didn’t have immediate access to God’s Word for wisdom, for comfort, or for encouragement. Each Bible has served as a sort of journal — each note, each underline chronicling my faith journey.

But for countless believers, this is not the case. In countries like North Korea, where leaders govern through oppression, Christians are often left to suffer alone, without the Word of God for comfort and guidance.

I have 10 Bibles. They just want one.

Believers in North Korea live in constant fear of being discovered. Currently, nearly one in every four Christians in that country is imprisoned in a labor camp — tortured day and night for their faith. Most have never even seen a Bible; a fortunate few have held a scrap of paper containing a scribbled verse or a page torn from Scripture.

Can you imagine experiencing that kind of intense suffering without God’s Word to turn to for comfort?

This is a daily reality for most Christians in North Korea. They are aware that owning a Bible can get them thrown into prison or even killed. But still, they are willing to risk their lives just to read a single page of God’s Word. In a country of penetrating darkness, they consider the light found in the Bible greater than any cost.

One $10 bill — that’s all it takes to send a Bible to a believer in North Korea. When you give, you become an incredible part of their Bible story and their legacy of faith.

For just $10, you can provide hope to a Christian who is suffering.

Maybe you have your own collection of Bibles lying around your house. I’m sure you, like me, can think of a time when one of those Bibles has uplifted you. We want to hear YOUR story! Maybe it was a gift from someone special, or maybe it has been your source of encouragement during a difficult time in life.

Will you share your Bible story with us and then give $10 to help a North Korean believer write his or her own story?

By giving $10 you can bring light to one of the world’s darkest places. And by sharing your story, you can help bring awareness and remind our brothers and sisters in North Korea that they are not alone.

Share your story with us by using the hashtag #MyBibleStory on Instagram and Twitter or by tagging us on Facebook. Post a photo, a video, or a status telling others how the Bible has been important in your life and help us share the need for Bibles in North Korea.

By sharing your Bible story, you can be a part of theirs.


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