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Disaster Relief for Nepal Earthquake Victims

Blog Team
Apr 25, 2015

By now you’ve likely heard of the massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake that ripped through Nepal at noon local time, sending shockwaves as far as northern and eastern India.

In a span of minutes, entire portions of Kathmandu were reduced to crumbles, crushing hundreds and sending survivors into a frenzied search for loved ones buried beneath the rubble.

Rescuers clear the debris at Durbar Sqaure after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha)

We want to provide you with critical information regarding our programs impacted by the earthquake.

Our partners on the ground have confirmed that the majority of the families and children in our care are safe and accounted for. However, we continue to receive updates on their survival and wellbeing and will keep you informed in the coming weeks.

Nepal - World Help

Please Pray.

We greatly appreciate your prayers for these individuals, and our network of partners who have felt the full force of this tragic disaster.

As you read this, the death toll is climbing and is expected to soar into the thousands overnight. Hospitals are overrun, forcing the injured to wait outside in the streets for treatment. Additionally, large portions of the country are without electricity and running water.

When the sun rises on Nepal in just a few hours, the extent of the damage will be known more clearly. However, one thing is certain at this point: Thousands of families have lost their homes and livelihoods and will need an emergency outpouring of international assistance.

Please Respond.

With the help of our broad network of trusted partners in the region, World Help will be assessing and responding to the immediate needs. We will keep you informed in the days ahead of what exactly is needed to ensure that the most amount of lives are spared.

2015 Nepal Earthquake - World Help

Until then, we must take emergency action.

We are asking you to intervene in the midst of this humanitarian catastrophe as generously as you can.

Your gift of any amount to our Nepal Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund will go directly to provide aid and relief to those in desperate need in Nepal.

Please act on behalf of those who are suffering unimaginable loss. And please, please pray for Nepal.


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