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Nepal: Servants, Not Saviors

Vernon Brewer
Jun 25, 2015

On April 25—the day the first earthquake struck Nepal—most of the villagers in the Himalayan community of Dolochak were at church.

In that series of terrifying moments, 18 homes in the village were completely destroyed . . . one of them belonged to a 95-year-old woman named Suntali Aama Rokka.


Suntali told me that she spent 15 years praying that a church would be built in Dolochak. Then, a number of years ago, her prayers were answered when World Help supporters provided the community with a church building. She and her daughter-in-law Goma are founding members.

This is the same church building where most of Dolochuk was gathered when the earthquake hit. If Suntali and Goma had been at home that morning, they would have been crushed to death.

Think about that for a moment: God used the faithful prayers of one woman to bring the Gospel to this village and to literally save lives—including her own.

Meet Suntali and Goma in the video below:

Watch From the Field in Nepal | Rebuilding Together from World Help on Vimeo.

I promised these two incredible women that we would rebuild their homes, as well as the church, which sustained significant structural damage. They were overwhelmed with gratitude and wouldn’t stop thanking me. Again, I was presented with a garland of flowers as a sign of great honor.


I was humbled by their response, but made sure to tell them that no one—not me, not our team, not World Help—should be honored above the God we serve.

We can help, we can pray, we can give. But we do not have the power to save. Only Christ can do that . . . and no matter what, we must never lose sight of our complete and total dependence on Him to rebuild lives in Nepal.


Let us never forget that we are instruments and servants, not saviors.

We can point to hope, but we are not the source of hope.

Without Christ, we would never have the opportunity to impact lives. But through Him, working together, I believe He will accomplish more on the behalf of the Nepali people than we could ask or imagine.

I pray you’ll join us today.



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