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From the Field2 min read


On the Field: New Hope for Thousands of Haitians

Today, I’m on my way with a World Help team to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere . . . Haiti.

In January 2010, a devastating 7.0 earthquake shook the tiny island nation to the core. Port-au-Prince was reduced to a pile of smoking rubble, and thousands of children suddenly became orphans . . . with only memories of a life they would never know again.

Haiti Medical Care

I remember being surrounded by mountains of debris when our team landed on the ground. The images of hopelessness will never fade from my memory: I knew our response had to be urgent, immediate, and effective.

For months, we worked with a network of aid partners in Haiti to distribute food, set up tents, supply tools to remove the rubble, provide medical care for the sick and injured, and organize rescue care for orphans.

But we wanted to do more than just give temporary help; we wanted to make long-term, sustainable investments—improvements that would address the deep-seeded problems that Haiti has struggled with for decades.

We immediately went to work addressing some of the biggest obstacles to Haiti’s progress—the glaring absence of clean water, medical care, and a program to rescue children who are suffering from the debilitating effects of both.

Haitian Children

On this trip, I’ll have the honor of dedicating two extraordinary advancements to the future of our work in Haiti: a state-of-the-art medical center and water filtration system on the campus of Danita’s Children.

Accessing clean water in Haiti isn’t just a challenge—it’s nearly impossible. We worked with several experts on the ground and were able to find a way to finally make clean water a reality.

This revolutionary water system was provided by causelife advocates and donors from all over the country, making an impact that will last for years to come. The introduction of clean water will drastically improve health and limit the prevalence of water-related illnesses, especially for children under the age of 5.

The new medical center will be a lifeline for thousands every year to receive emergency care, life-saving immunizations, and expert treatment of illness and injury. There’s no facility like it—not for miles!

Haiti Medical Center Clinic

I’ll also be working with my friend and World Help partner, Danita Estrella-Watts, on the expansion of our Operation Baby Rescue program in Haiti. The plight of Haiti’s children is intense and widespread . . . there are nearly half a million orphans in Haiti alone.

Approximately half of all children in Haiti have not received critical immunizations. One in four suffers from malnutrition, and 25 percent are born dangerously underweight.

I believe World Help is strategically positioned to make a tremendous difference in the lives of thousands of these children. Initiatives like Operation Baby Rescue are just the beginning.

What a tremendous opportunity to help lift up a nation . . . to restore a generation of children . . . to bring hope to thousands for the very first time.

Haitian Children at School

I want to invite you to join me on this unforgettable trip by subscribing to World Help’s blog today (at the top of the post). You’ll get daily updates sent straight to your inbox of the incredible things happening on the ground. It’s the perfect way to get a glimpse of how you can be a part of what God is doing in Haiti.

Be sure to follow along on Twitter (@nyeatts) and Facebook for more updates in real-time.



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