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Bibles for All3 min read


New study Bibles allow Rwandan pastors to dig deeper

Emily Towns
Nov 28, 2018

Frederick turned the pages of his new study Bible with great reverence. To his delight, the study Bible held more than just text. It also contained numerous illustrations and charts.

“The pictures and maps in the study Bible help [me] understand the text,” he said, pointing to the pictures of the tabernacle and temple. Frederick is a youth pastor, and the truths he’s discovering inside the Bible’s pages will go a long way in sharing the message of God’s love with his students — and growing his own faith.

While those of us living in America have unlimited access to commentaries, studies, and a number of different Bible translations, many others around the world do not have that luxury.

But thanks to generous donors, Frederick and a group of other Rwandan church planters and pastors are now equipped with new study Bibles to help them better share God’s Word with their communities.

For the first time, these pastors are able to study the Word of God thoroughly.

Pacifique is another one of the pastors who received a study Bible. He is a church planter in the northern part of the country. While he is very passionate about studying Scripture, he is even more passionate about using what he has learned to help others.

“With the study Bible, I can make better sermons,” he said. “The people will learn more about Jesus!”

It is easy to understand why these pastors are so excited. Rwanda has a complicated and violent history. More than 20 years have passed since genocide ripped the nation in two; and now, the message of God’s love found in the Bible is restoring people’s hope and mending decades-old wounds.

Pastors and church planters like Pacifique and Frederick believe in the power of God’s Word to change people’s hearts and to change their nation. And the study Bibles they received allow them to understand the Word more deeply and explain its truths to others.

Maurice and Jean Bosco are youth leaders, and both are eager to share a message of hope and love with a new generation of Rwandans. To them, these new study Bibles are the most precious tools they own.

“The study Bible helps me to explain the Word of God better to young people in my church,” Maurice said.

“[It helps us] teach young people about God’s love,” Jean Bosco added.

But many others in Rwanda and around the world have still never learned of God’s love because they don’t have access to Bibles. That’s where you come in.

By becoming a Bibles for All Ambassador, you can help spread the Good News of Christ in Rwanda, North Korea, Cuba, and other countries overseas.

Bibles for All Ambassadors are people who give every month to send God’s Word to “Bible deserts” — places where Scripture is illegal, scarce, or both.

When you become part of Bibles for All, you will send five copies of God’s Word to Bible deserts each month. And since these Bibles are often shared, each one will reach at least five people — meaning you can impact 25 people with Scripture every month.

For most, this will be the first time they have ever owned God’s Word! Can you imagine the joy your gift will bring?

And when Bibles get in the hands of pastors and church planters, your impact continues to grow. Maurice, Frederick, and the others who received Bibles in Rwanda will share its message with everyone they meet. Your generosity could help bring the Gospel to entire villages of people that have never heard it! What an impact you will make!

Today, give the greatest gift of all by helping give Bibles for All.


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