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Advocacy2 min read


Noel Speaks at Liberty University's Convocation

Vernon Brewer
Aug 30, 2012

Earlier this week, I had the privilege of watching my daughter and World Help’s Vice President, Noel, speak to a jam-packed stadium of over 10,000 students and faculty at Liberty University. Thousands more watched via the live stream.

Having spoken at my alma mater on numerous occasions—from convocation to baccalaureate—I know the amount of pressure she was under. What an incredible responsibility it is to deliver a powerful, relatable message, which will reach the hearts of the next generation.

As I sat in my seat, I saw a confident, poised, and captivating young woman gain the attention of the masses. Noel shared one life-changing story after another about how God has used a series of defining moments to awaken her to the needs of a hurting world, a theme she so poignantly addresses in her newly released book Awake.

When she showed a portion of the Operation Baby Rescue documentary, the response was incredible. I believe those few minutes alone marked the beginning of a life-long journey for so many Liberty students . . . a journey that starts with having the courage to be “outraged, loud, and bold” when faced with the injustices that keep so many in our world enslaved to physical and spiritual poverty.

In one of the most powerful closings I have ever heard, Noel delivered these words:

I have come to believe the worst injustice in the world is not poverty or hunger – lack of clean water, or medical care, being abandoned, or being trafficked into slavery . . . No, the worst injustice of all is hopelessness.

Absolutely remarkable. What a challenge for any Christ follower who wants to make a difference! Restoring hope in a world that is so desperately waiting for us to respond.

As the leader of a 20-year-old organization, I have so many reasons to be proud . . . so many reasons to be grateful.  But to see my daughter being such an active and passionate example to a new generation of doctors, teachers, entrepreneurs, mothers, pastors, and leaders was one of my proudest moments ever—as a dad who wants nothing more than to see his children follow Christ with all their hearts.

If you missed seeing it live, I want to invite you to watch the full broadcast of Noel’s message. I can promise you this, you don’t have to be a student to be inspired, encouraged, and empowered to make a difference. You won’t regret it!



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