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Gift Catalog4 min read


On a budget? Give these life-changing gifts under $30

Sam Campbell
Dec 09, 2020

Christmas shopping can get expensive — and fast! But what if you could buy gifts that won’t put you over budget AND will help transform lives?

This Christmas, you can provide help and hope for a person or family in need without breaking the bank. Not only will you give someone a meaningful gift that meets an immediate need, but you’ll also show him or her the love of Christ this holiday season.

Here are three life-changing gifts under $30 you can give this Christmas:


A pair of shoes is a luxury many children in need don’t have. Instead, they walk barefoot through their villages or try to squeeze their feet into tattered shoes they’ve long outgrown.

That was Johncy’s story. At 15, she could no longer fit into the one pair of shoes she’d owned for years. She had no other choice but to go barefoot, so her feet were always covered in purple bruises and painful blisters.

But then Johncy received a brand-new pair of shoes!

“The beautiful shoes have helped me keep my feet clean and out of harm,” Johncy said. “The wounds I got from walking without proper shoes are healing and very comfortable now. Thank you!”

For just $25, you will provide shoes for another child like Johncy. Your gift will protect their feet from sharp rocks, rough roads, and the upcoming cold winter months. And because shoes are often a required part of school uniforms, you may also help that child to finally go to school and receive an education, too!

Your gift will give someone like Johncy hope for a brighter future.

Bibles for North Korea

Believers in North Korea face some of the worst Christian persecution in the world … yet they’re still begging for Bibles.

They’d risk torture, imprisonment, and even death just to hold a copy of God’s Word … because they know the comfort that it brings. They know how powerful Scripture is during the difficult days.

A gift of $10 is all it takes to print, ship, and secretly place a Bible in the hands of a North Korean believer.

And since believers often share their Bibles with family and friends, your gift will reach many people.

In Naomi’s case, one Bible spread the Gospel like wildfire across North Korea. After Naomi received her first Bible, she started sharing it with others, leading to 12 new house churches being planted!


Chickens are the gift that keeps on giving.

Each one can produce up to 200 eggs per year, which means hungry families will have plenty of protein to keep their bodies strong and healthy. They can also sell eggs for much-needed income and use the chickens’ fertilizer to help grow more crops.

For just $22, you can provide chickens for a hungry family like Manassee’s.

After receiving chickens, Manassee was able to sell the eggs and save up his profits to put toward a new home for his family!

“We are very happy because these chickens have improved our lives,” Manasee said.

By choosing a chicken, you will not only make sure a family has nutritious food for today, but you will help support them for years to come.


Whether you choose to give a chicken, Bible, pair of shoes, or some other gift, you can be sure your generosity will meet the urgent needs of people around the world.

Will you help transform someone’s life this Christmas?

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