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From the Field2 min read


On the ground in Peru: A child’s life is at stake

I remember when I was pregnant with my oldest son, I had no idea how to care for this new little life. Parenting is full of uncertainties, but as I held my newborn son one thing was certain — I would do anything to protect him.

I’ve spent this week in Peru, meeting a number of parents who feel the same way. They love their kids and would do anything to keep them safe. But many families in poverty simply don’t have the resources they need to protect their children.

For example, when a child contracts intestinal worms from dirty water, there is nothing they can do to rescue him from excruciating pain and life-threatening malnutrition. Thankfully, there’s a way you can help. In fact, you can help cure 30 children from intestinal worms for just $30!

Every day, children who have contracted worms suffer painful cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. Over time, a child will become dehydrated and malnourished, and his tiny body will weaken.

The solution to this devastating illness is simple. Deworming medication works quickly; one dose rids a child of painful parasites in a matter of days. But the problem is, many parents in Peru and in poor communities around the world can’t afford to purchase the medication.

Instead, these mothers and fathers are forced to watch their children suffer, watch as they become too weak to play. They are forced to watch as their children’s futures are ripped away.

When my sons get sick, it breaks my heart — even now that they are teenagers and one’s in college. I want to do everything I can to take away their pain. Today, you can come alongside parents around the world who are feeling that same heartbreak and help provide the medication their children so desperately need.

For just $30, you can provide deworming medication and cure 30 sick children. That’s more children than on my son’s baseball team!

And you won’t just be healing their bodies, either — each family that receives medicine will also be given a resource telling them about Jesus Christ. So, you will be pointing them toward spiritual healing, too!

With your gift, you will bring help to children who might not survive without it … and hope to families in need.


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