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Newsmax | Providing Girls in India With Another Option

Newsmax | Providing Girls in India With Another Option

For 500 years, one tribal group in northern India has relied on the prostitution of its oldest daughters as a key source of income. This tribe, known as the Banchara, is part of India’s lowest caste — the Dalits or “untouchables.” While all of the Banchara people...
Newsmax | Providing Girls in India With Another Option

Newsmax | Making Mother’s Day a Happy Time Around the World

Mother’s Day is special to me for many reasons. I am blessed to be surrounded by a number of incredible mothers — including my own mom, the woman who is the calm in our sometimes crazy and hectic family. These women, and the many other women that I do life with, have...
Newsmax | Providing Girls in India With Another Option

Charisma News | “2 Ways to Help Venezuela Right Now”

As the world obsesses over the power struggle for Venezuela’s presidency, most Venezuelans are worried about something else: “Will my children eat today?” That is what Isabella has been asking herself for months, and her story will break your heart....
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