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Church Planting Project Update

Thank you for giving a church planter the encouragement needed to minister to the unsaved, disciple new believers, and plant churches.

Published: June 6, 2016

Additional Reading

Project Update

China, India, Middle East, Nepal China, India, Middle East, Nepal

Thank you for giving a church planter the encouragement he needs to minister to the unsaved, disciple new believers, and plant churches.

Through your continued prayers and financial support, this faithful man of God is inspired to work even harder to reach more communities with the Gospel. You are a vital part of his ministry.


In the midst of terror and tragedy, refugees fleeing ISIS are finding hope in church plants that you support. You are offering aid, counseling, emotional support, and most importantly, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

As a result of ISIS’ evil, many refugees—who are also descendants of Christians—are having a reawakening of faith. The majority of these refugees didn’t fully understand what it meant to be a Christian before ISIS.

Faced with death, they are now learning what it really means to be a Christ follower. This renewed faith is bearing fruit in Iraq. In the past year alone, four house churches have been established, and church staff has already launched an evangelism ministry.

Thank you for investing in church planting—reaching some of the most spiritually dark places in the world.


Throughout India, church planters are impacting villages through door-to-door evangelism, vacation Bible school, and simple acts of service. Through your support, you are reaching an individual in India with the Gospel, as many Indians are hearing about Jesus for the very first time.

“Asha didn’t know anything about God and she wanted to die. She had tried to commit suicide several times, but in vain. After her parent’s death, the responsibility of her family came on her shoulders. One day she was invited to church through one of our members. She attended the New Believers training class and came to know who is Jesus and what He did for us. She accepted Jesus as her personal savior, was baptized, and joined the church. Now she is leading a normal life with her sisters.”



Church planters in Nepal are going into villages that are still recovering from the earthquakes last year. They are finding that through tragedy, many people are willing to hear the Gospel more than ever before:

“I am a full time worker as an evangelist in Kathmandu. I am serving the Lord by visiting believers and encouraging them through Bible verses, visiting sick people even to their hospital beds and encourage them in prayers, and sharing the Gospel to non-believers in different places.

We had a wonderful Christmas program in Kathmandu. We went to different places for carol singing and shared good news about the birth of Jesus Christ to many people. More than 300 people attended the Christmas program and among them there were many non-believers. They heard the words of God on this day. It is our prayer that God may speak to them through the message they heard and they may come to know the importance of Jesus Christ in their lives.”



While some provinces in China are more dangerous than others, many Christians still face persecution, arrest, and threats from local authorities simply for meeting together in worship. Church planters in China are willing to risk everything for Jesus Christ:


“My work right now is not just Bible teaching. I try to also teach the churches that we should only fear God, but not fear our government. Because of God’s love and motivation from God, we spread the Gospel despite being imprisoned and beaten. My family gives me encouragement to do ministry, even though they know that I can go to prison or disappear anytime. Jesus Christ died for us, and the persecution I face is very little to what He had to face.”

Your support is empowering a church planter to expand the Kingdom of God in his country, working in hostile conditions to make Christ’s name known. You are truly making a spiritual impact!

Additional Reading
    • Equipping Church Planters During Crisis
    • Even though our team left today, the training for 40 former Muslims—now Christ followers and future church planters—will continue for several days. The training course is part of a vision we have to enable refugees to share the Gospel with the people in their displaced communities.

    • From the Field | Change on the Horizon for Cuba
    • This is the rallying cry we have heard at nearly every gathering the past few days. It simply means, “Cuba for Christ!” The church truly believes that now is God’s time for Cuba—and after witnessing spiritual renewal spread throughout the country for over 20 years, I earnestly believe the harvest is here.

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