Bringing Children Hope through Church Planting
Deep in the heart of Cuba is the rural village of La Sierra, home to . . .
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Thank you for your investment in World Help Global Impact projects. Your giving has made a dramatic difference worldwide, and you have met the most urgent needs.
We appreciate your consistent generosity. Because of your selflessness, people witnessed the heart, hands, and feet of Jesus firsthand.
One of the most immediate ways your giving provided help is through humanitarian aid. You helped fill and ship containers of relief to those whose survival depended on it. Whether it was a time of crisis or simply difficult situations in people’s lives, you responded. In the case of Simon from Zimbabwe, this help came in the form of food.
Both of Simon’s parents had died, and he was left to care for his family. Still a child himself, he was unsure how he would feed his siblings and provide them with basic necessities. That’s where your giving made the difference.
Simon and his family have received more than 500 nutritious meals that have helped keep them healthy. This food represents stability so Simon and his siblings don’t have to worry where their next meal is coming from. Your generosity changed Simon’s life and lifted a burden from his shoulders that no child should have to carry.
Church plants that you helped fund are making an incredible difference around the globe. Often, people who have become Christ-followers as a result of these new churches go on to start church plants in their own communities.
Maria* and Marcelo* are a married couple whose lives were transformed by a church that you helped plant in Cuba. Since accepting Christ, they have seen Him provide for all their needs, both physical and spiritual. When He provided them with the house they had been praying for, they decided to make it into a house church. They were able to share the hope of Jesus with their neighbors and friends because of your giving. Many have accepted Jesus since their house church opened, and a new joy is evident in their community.
*Name changed for security
Your giving to World Help Global Impact has transformed the lives of many by ensuring funds are available immediately. Gifts like yours make an impact before many people are even aware of a need.
Thank you for your faithfulness and for your support. You are bringing the joy of Christ to the world, with help for today and hope for tomorrow.
Click here to give again and continue transforming lives.