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World Help Programs Project Update

You are not only providing the physical aid needed to heal and sustain lives, but also giving men, women, and children the opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ.

Published: June 21, 2016

Additional Reading

Project Update

Ethiopia, Guatemala, Middle East, Thailand Ethiopia, Guatemala, Middle East, Thailand

Thank you for giving to World Help programs. Your investment is being used for multiple projects and is already at work—touching lives. Your compassionate support shows how much you care about those in need around the world, and we are honored that you allowed us to be part of the impact you are making.

Never forget: You are not only providing the physical aid needed to heal and sustain lives, but also giving men, women, and children the opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ.

Read more to learn about ministries you impacted through your generosity!


In rural communities of Ethiopia, access to maternal healthcare is virtually nonexistent. The risk of life-long complications from childbirth—like obstetric fistula—is high. The woman who survives obstetric fistula is rarely viewed with compassion. Often she is believed to be cursed—unfit to be a mother.

Your investment changed the future for an Ethiopian woman named Talel.

Talel joined our recovery program right after a surgery that corrected her fistula. Not long ago, Talel had a good relationship with her husband, extended family, and neighbors. But after developing fistula during her first pregnancy, all her relationships deteriorated. She spent days in agonizing labor . . . only to be isolated from her family and divorced by her husband.


After receiving vocational training and education to help other women avoid fistula, Talel is healthy and in a positive frame of mind. She talked openly about her experience, saying that she has gained confidence and feels she now has a mission in life.

Talel also received vocational training through the recovery program, and will soon take out a microloan to fulfill her dream of opening a shop.

Your generosity gives an Ethiopian woman her life back. She is able to provide for herself and be a safe motherhood ambassador to her village. Most importantly, she has learned about the love of Jesus Christ.


Your love reached into the heart of the sex industry in Bangkok, Thailand, giving a former sex worker options for a better life.

Most sex workers in Bangkok are from rural areas and believe there is no other way to provide for their families—it is seen as their duty and destiny.

For women who manage to escape, real restoration is happening, and the Gospel is front and center. Through the healing touch of God, women like Pang are experiencing lives characterized by dignity and joy. Your investment has restored hope for Pang and other women like her.

India Nilam

“I moved to Bangkok when I was 15. My parents are farmers. I had to help them get enough money to support the family . . . selling fruit and vegetables was not enough. Because my sister worked in a bar, I worked with her for three years. I wanted to continue school, but my parents could not support me. But the program supports my school. I have a new life now. My perspective is different. This place brought me to God. I learned how to help others and give without wanting anything back. I understand why [other girls] have to [work in the sex industry] . . . and I want to lead them to Christ.”


Your gift to World Help programs also helps ship containers of life-saving aid to people in need around the world. This vital cargo includes staple items like prepackaged food, basic medicine, winter clothing, and temporary shelter.

Through donations, grants, and product partnerships, we ship high-quality surplus items to people in need. And although aid items are readily available, shipping costs are high.


This is where you got involved.

By investing in the shipment of humanitarian aid, you are giving shoes to children in our sponsorship programs, medical supplies to refugees in the Middle East, Tempur-Pedic mattresses to families in Guatemala, and more.

By shipping one container, you are making an enormous impact on an entire community.


Your investment impacts men, women, and children who are in great need. You ensure that no person is overlooked, and projects like safe motherhood, freedom from the sex industry, and shipment for humanitarian aid containers are funded.

Without you standing in the gap, fewer people would be served with help and hope. Thank you for your commitment to improving lives and sharing the Gospel around the world.

View Full Report Details

Additional Reading
    • From the Field | Ending Bondage in Bangkok
    • Bangkok, Thailand is the last stop in my journey—and it’s here where the horrors of the international sex industry seem to culminate. There’s an estimated 15,000 sex workers in one area of the city alone, and thousands of individuals from around the world come to visit for one reason. These visitors call it “sex tourism,” as if it were simply a part of their holiday experience.

    • A Warm Meal Brings Hope to Desperate Migrants
    • A group of migrants stood anxiously on the shores of Turkey, looking toward the Greek island of Lesbos. The distance was only four kilometers. On a clear day, you could see the shorelines in the distance . . . but on this day, the sky was the furthest thing from clear. Rain pelted the ground as a tiny boat pulled up to the shore, making the imminent voyage even more frightening. Somewhere beneath the thick, dark clouds in the distance there was hope for a better life . . . if only they could make it.

    • Child Brides Struggle to Overcome Cultural Stigma
    • My name is Ege, and I was married when I was 14 years old. When the time came for me to give birth to my first child, I labored for six days. On the seventh day, I finally traveled to the hospital, but it was too late. My baby was dead and I had developed a condition called obstetric fistula.

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