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You helped improve a child’s life in Brazil

Published: April 8, 2020

Children's Program Update

Brazil Brazil

Thank you for sponsoring a child in Brazil. Your ongoing support has changed a life forever.

We like to keep you updated about what your sponsored child and other kids in the program have been up to over the past year… all because of your compassionate giving. And even though the world is a little different now than it was a few weeks ago because of the coronavirus, we were able to get this report of how your child has been doing since Christmas and knew you would want to hear it.

A time of celebration

Each of our programs in Brazil had special ways to end the year and celebrate Christmas. One program took the kids to the theater at the mall to see the most recent “Star Wars” movie. Outside the building, there was a small koi pond, and the children loved seeing the fish and watching them swim around. After the movie, the kids got to indulge in a special treat — pizza!

Another program’s year-end celebration involved the children attending a camp where they were able to go swimming and play games like soccer, pool, and foosball. When the children were tired out from the fun, they ate a delicious meal of spaghetti and meatballs.

A job well done

Throughout the year, the students in these programs have a wonderful time learning new songs and hearing Bible stories. One of their favorite activities is singing and dancing together. They also have a chance to create beautiful pieces of artwork and get help with schoolwork.

At the end of the school year, the programs hosted a special event to honor the children who made remarkable progress. During the ceremony, the kids cheered for their friends and shouted words of encouragement as each of the students was called forward. Each boy and girl received a medal to wear and a small bag of gifts.


Day-to-day blessings

In addition to making days like Christmas and the end of the year extra special, your continued support also helps meet your sponsored child’s everyday needs. You make sure your child has access to nutritious meals and other essentials that are especially important during difficult times like the coronavirus outbreak the world is now facing.

All of the children are safe have not been directly affected by the virus. However, they have seen a lot of daily changes similar to what we are seeing in America. Schools were closed down on March 18 and everyone advised to “social distance.” Please continue to keep your sponsored child in your prayers during this time.


Thank you

Your gift of sponsorship has been life changing!

Every month, your gift boosts the health and happiness of your sponsored child. And for that, we cannot thank you enough! You can give an additional gift today to provide extra help for your sponsored child and other kids in the program by visiting

Thank you for investing in the life of a child.

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