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From the Field1 min read


Rescue Reflections | Blogger Trip Day Five

Blog Team
Oct 06, 2012

michele-lyn ault


by Michele-Lyn Ault

This week I have blogged from Guatemala, for World Help, Operation Baby Rescue. I’ve poured out my heart. I’ve tapped out in words the stories I feel compelled to share with you. And images have convey where words fail to. I know your hearts have been stirred with compassion. And I have been shaken […]

lauren mills


by Lauren Mills

I have to say that hopping in a canoe to cross a rushing, dirty river in Guatemala is not the safest thing I ever did. Noel reminded me to close my mouth as the dirty water splashed into the boat and onto our faces. Dirty water that the people along the river wash their clothes in and bathe their bodies in everyday. Water that makes them sick, sometimes deathly […]

tiffany eriksen


by Tiffany Eriksen

[ … ] I sit here and think, what about these family members that bring the babies here? So much of my time is spent on the babies, their stories, their hurt, how their situations are unfair. I don’t always think of the Mothers, the Fathers, …the sisters. Noe was one of the rescued children this week, brought down from the mountains, malnutrition […]


Blogging with World HelpWorld Help Bloggers

World Help and a group of bloggers/storytellers will be travelling to the beautiful, but poverty-stricken, country of Guatemala. They will see how lives are being impacted and communities transformed through the help of individuals committed to make a difference.

Their goal is to experience Operation Baby Rescue firsthand, as well as our other programs in Guatemala, in hopes that we can extend the story further and rescue more lives!

Learn More | Get Involved


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