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Church Engagement2 min read


Share the Gospel with a child in India

Vernon Brewer
Apr 26, 2018

Three days was all it took to change the course of Priya’s life forever.

Priya lives in a slum in India. Like many children from the slums, there were many times when she felt forgotten. She was hungry, and she was desperate for love.

But then, she was given the best gift anyone could give her — the chance to attend a three-day Vacation Bible School in her community. She received food, she met people who cared about her, and best of all, she heard about Jesus.

Vacation Bible School fed Priya’s body and her soul. And it’s a gift you can give to another child by sending them to VBS for $5.

“The most important thing that I learned during VBS is that Jesus loves me more than I can ever imagine,” Priya said. “I am very thankful for the opportunity to attend VBS.”

Today, Priya attends church regularly, and her life is filled with hope.

For many children just like her, those three days at Vacation Bible School can improve their lives.

Too often children living in India’s slums go hungry in the summer months and that’s why feeding them is so important. In addition to healthy food, each child receives a Bible workbook, takes part in exciting activities, and learns about Jesus Christ.

It’s a welcome change from life in the slums.

“The children [who attend] are mostly from a poor background,” our partner said. “VBS is a time of celebration for them.”

Vacation Bible School is the first time many of these children will hear the name of Jesus. And when they return home, they share what they’ve learned with their family and friends.

This year, our plan is to introduce 25,000 more children across northern India to the love of God — but it won’t happen without your help!

You can send one child to VBS and provide him with food for just $5 today.

You’ll be giving him three days of fun and Bible instruction. You’ll provide him with food when he is hungry. And you’ll ensure that he hears about the hope of Jesus that he desperately needs.

Priya is so glad she got to go to VBS. Your gift of $5 will give another child the same opportunity.


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