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Shine the light of the Gospel this Christmas

Kelsey Campbell
Dec 04, 2020

Every Christmas morning when I was growing up, my father would pull out his Bible and read our family the Christmas story from Luke 2.

It was a tradition I didn’t really value as a child. I was anxious to open gifts and peek in my stocking. But now as an adult, I understand that the Christmas story is the reason our family was gathered together at all. Jesus is the only reason to celebrate. It’s His birth, life, death, and resurrection that brings joy. Not presents.

Now it’s an honor to read the Christmas story. And every year, it’s thrilling.

Unfortunately, there are many people around the world who have never had the chance to read Luke 2 … or any other Scripture passage for that matter. They want to know about who Jesus is. They have questions. But they live in Bible deserts and don’t have a copy of God’s Word to read about the virgin birth or any other part of the Gospel.

This Christmas, you can give someone the greatest gift: a Bible.

All it takes is $10 to place a copy of God’s Word in a person’s hands for the first time.  You can give hope in this season of distress. You can shine the light of the Gospel in a darkened world.

Imagine not being able to gather around and read the story of Jesus’ birth this Christmas. Wouldn’t the season seem dim?

Especially during a year as hard as 2020, people need the hope of the Gospel. You can give someone that hope and joy in the form of his very first Bible.

In places like Cuba, people are intrigued when they hear about Jesus Christ and His miracles. But they don’t always have a Bible to read about Him and how He died for their sins.

“We take mission trips where we preach the Gospel, especially in remote areas,” one Cuban church planter said. “Some of them are three hours away from the nearest town, and we have to get there by riding on the fender of a tractor. In those areas, there are no Bibles to hand out anywhere.  There is definitely a huge need for Bibles all over Cuba and especially in the provinces.”

These people in Cuba and so many others around the globe are hungry for the Truth. But they can’t experience it if they never have a Bible.

One beautiful part of the Christmas season is that December is among the darkest months of the year. But that makes the Christmas lights and Christmas trees glow even brighter.

And since 2020 has been such a trying year, this is the perfect opportunity for the hope of the Gospel to shine even brighter, too! But first, people need Bibles.

You can be the one to give someone a Bible this holiday season and shine this bright light in his or her life for the very first time.

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