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India3 min read


Spread the Gospel in India through VBS

Vernon Brewer
Jun 23, 2017
I want to share a special, urgent need with you. For impoverished children living in India, an incredible event is only weeks away — Vacation Bible School (VBS). But their families can’t afford it.

For just $5, you can send one child to a three-day VBS program and provide a Bible workbook and nutritious food. Many will hear the Gospel for the first time!

But you need to act fast — by July 28 — in order for your gift to benefit a child this summer.

When you send one underprivileged, forgotten child to VBS, you make an eternal difference that can impact generations. Not only will you show a child that he matters to God, you also will give him the opportunity to grow stronger in his faith so he can stand against persecution.

One child — empowered by the Gospel of Jesus Christ — can make a huge impact on his family and friends.

It starts with giving a child the chance to learn about God’s love through VBS … a child like Sahil.

Raised in a Hindu family, 10-year-old Sahil heard the name of Jesus for the first time when he attended a VBS program.

“I am glad I could be part of this VBS program,” Sahil said. “My teacher taught me about God’s love through stories. I will teach my friends the stories I have learned.”

Children living in low-caste communities in India often face mounting persecution. They are surrounded by spiritual darkness. These boys and girls are constantly overlooked and ignored by their own people, and their lives are filled with hopelessness.

They need the hope that can be found only in Jesus Christ — and you can give that to them!

Today, you can share the Gospel with one child facing persecution.

You can help build up the next generation of Christian leaders who will impact their communities for Christ.

You can help ensure 100,000 children attend VBS programs across northern India this summer. We can’t do this without YOU!

As persecution toward Christians increases, reaching India’s youth this summer is critical. Vacation Bible School is just the beginning … it will open the door for ministry opportunities with the children’s families and communities in the future.

But to reach this goal, I need you to act quickly. The deadline to help one child attend a VBS program, receive a Bible workbook, and nutritious food is July 28. You can send one child today for only $5.

The children of India are desperate for a reason to hope … they need to experience the love of Jesus Christ!

Please pray for these spiritually hungry children. Please give today and help transform one child’s life for just $5!


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