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Nearly 70,000 Slaughtered in Syria

Recently, I made an emergency trip to the Syrian border—what I saw was unforgettable. And now, I’m pleading for your help. After nearly two years of civil war and the senseless slaughter of almost 70,000 innocent civilians, the nation of Syria is collapsing . ....

Face to Face: Children and Their Sponsors

Sponsorship creates a unique bond—one of friendship, encouragement, prayer, and provision. Our supporters make an everlasting impact as they provide for their sponsored child’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. It’s not often that sponsors have the opportunity...

Watch Now: Scenes from the Syrian Refugee Crisis

When attempting to explain the crisis in Syria, words only go so far. The gut-wrenching descriptions of the violence millions of families have experienced and the staggering statistics of deaths and of those fleeing into overcrowded refugee camps convey an...

Growing Health Crisis Puts Millions of Syrian Refugees in Danger

In Syria, access to medical care is virtually nonexistent. Hospitals and clinics have been forced to move underground, having become direct targets of the regime army. Doctors have fled for their lives, knowing that if they are found aiding civilians, they will be...

Second Chances

We will never know what she was thinking the day she walked to the river with all her boys in tow. Perhaps she was suffering from depression or was mentally unstable. Maybe a life of extreme poverty had proven too much to bear. Whatever the reason, there was no excuse...
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