5 Prompts for Your First Letter of 2024!
It’s hard to believe we’re already halfway through January — have you written your sponsored child a letter yet this year? If not, what are you waiting for? Here are five ideas to get you started on your first letter of 2024: 1. Write about what you did during...
Your Sponsored Child Will “Fall” in Love with this Autumn Craft!
Autumn is officially here! You know what that means! Pumpkins, sweaters, hayrides … and a fun fall craft to send to your sponsored child! Even though they may not experience the same kind of autumn we do, with multicolored leaves, brisk temperatures, and...
What is School Like Around the World?
It’s officially August, which means a new school year is just around the corner! Classes in the U.S. usually start at the beginning of September, but that’s not the norm for many schools worldwide. And that’s not the only difference! Education systems and...