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A place to call home

A place to call home

For most of 9-year-old Lawan’s life, she’s had nowhere to really call home. She was born in an impoverished, rural village in Thailand to a mother who was only 14. Her teenage mom did everything she could to take care of Lawan (whose name we’ve changed for privacy),...
This child doesn’t have to die

This child doesn’t have to die

Heart, liver, and kidney failure. Brittle bones and skin. A deteriorating brain. What if I told you this wasn’t the description of an elderly person, but a 2-year old girl on her death bed — a little girl suffering from starvation? Long-term hunger is one of the...
No time for childhood

No time for childhood

When I was 12 years old, all I wanted was a pair of jeans from a certain popular store. That was what the cool kids were wearing, and like most pre-teens, I desperately wanted to be cool. I believed wholeheartedly those jeans were the key to elevating my social...
On the ground in Peru: You can give 30 children a healthy start

On the ground in Peru: You can give 30 children a healthy start

I love to see new beginnings. One of the best parts of my job here at World Help is traveling around the world and getting to witness those new beginnings and transformations firsthand … when someone finally receives the help he or she desperately needs. But I also...
On the ground in Peru: A child’s life is at stake

On the ground in Peru: A child’s life is at stake

I remember when I was pregnant with my oldest son, I had no idea how to care for this new little life. Parenting is full of uncertainties, but as I held my newborn son one thing was certain — I would do anything to protect him. I’ve spent this week in Peru, meeting a...
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