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Iran intelligence minister admits Christianity is spreading

Iran intelligence minister admits Christianity is spreading

Iran is home to one of the world’s fastest-growing Christian populations. We’ve known this — our partners working secretly inside Iran have told us over and over how the underground church is exploding so fast that they can’t even keep up with the demand for Bibles!...
Let the North Korean little children come to Him

Let the North Korean little children come to Him

Do you remember the first Bible story you ever learned? How about the first Bible verse you memorized? I can clearly remember my childhood Bible. It was a small, white Precious Moments edition encased in a pink, frilly carrying case. It had handles trimmed in lace,...
The 5 blessings of persecution

The 5 blessings of persecution

Voices raised in song, hands clapping, the drum beating. I was kneeling on the ground, worshipping with my brothers and sisters in Christ in a language I barely knew. I was living in a country where Christianity wasn’t always welcome, but these men and women were...
How to talk to your church about persecution

How to talk to your church about persecution

Sanji wakes up, hoping it was all a dream. The day before, he received news that his brother, a local pastor, had been killed. His brother was attacked by his own neighbors, simply because he dared to share his faith. Sanji himself has faced abuse for years … but he...
Are you prepared for International Day of Prayer?

Are you prepared for International Day of Prayer?

If you’re anything like me, your Sundays probably look pretty much the same every week. You get up, get dressed in something nice, and drive to church. Maybe you drop your kids off at Sunday School or the youth room. Or you might volunteer in some ministry before...
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