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How Can You Invest in Spiritual Revival in Cuba?

Doors are opening in Cuba like never before. People are asking more and more questions about Jesus Christ, and they have a greater desire to read God’s Word. Now is the time to invest in Cuba’s spiritual development and reach thousands with the Gospel. Church planters...
The Cuban people are starving for Bibles.

The Cuban people are starving for Bibles.

But YOU can provide them a Spanish Bible for just $10. The doors to Cuba are open . . . and God is clearly moving there!  But there are just not enough Bibles. Some pastors don’t even own their own Bible. House churches are lucky to have a copy to share, handed from...

From the Field | Cuba’s Only Hope

“If I could describe Cuba in one word, it would be hungry,” said Tony Foglio, World Help’s advisory board chairman. “Cubans are hungry for the Word of God . . . they are hungry to share the Gospel of Christ through the planting of churches, and they are hungry for the...

From the Field | Change on the Horizon for Cuba

“¡Cuba para Cristo!” This is the rallying cry we have heard at nearly every gathering the past few days. It simply means, “Cuba for Christ!” The church truly believes that now is God’s time for Cuba—and after witnessing spiritual renewal spread throughout the country...
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