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No more parasites for Reina and her daughters!

No more parasites for Reina and her daughters!

Have you ever thought about all the different options we have when it comes to simple drinking water? You can get it from the tap or in a bottle. Plain or flavored. With or without bubbles. Sometimes it’s even enhanced with minerals. Unfortunately, Reina had none of...
This World Water Day, give someone like Habeeb clean water

This World Water Day, give someone like Habeeb clean water

If you stand in the middle of Habeeb’s village, it’s not hard to see why water is so scarce. The ground is nothing but dry dirt and stones. Trees are few and far between. And the thatched roofs of family huts are permanently baked by the sun. Habeeb lives in an area...
Clean water is making life easier for Rosita’s community

Clean water is making life easier for Rosita’s community

World Water Day is next week on March 22. It’s a good day to stop and think about just how much clean water is a part of your everyday life. You run the dishwasher. Turn on the shower. Refill a water bottle from the kitchen faucet. These routines have become almost...
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