As you correspond with your sponsored child, you probably ask a lot of questions. You want to know all about them . . . about their life, their family, their hobbies, and interests. But did you know that your sponsored child also wants to know about you? Although...
Sponsorship is one of the easiest yet most powerful ways you can be the one to change the life of a child in need. For just over a dollar a day, you can make sure your sponsored child receives things like food, clothing, medical care, educational assistance, and...
A storm is gathering in Northern Iraq. Fallujah has fallen, and U.S.-backed Iraqi forces have set their sights on Mosul, the last ISIS-held stronghold in Iraq. But thousands of refugees are trapped in the geographical crossfire, and ISIS is using them to form a human...
Have you ever felt intimidated by the correspondence process? Especially with a child you have never met . . . and from a culture you aren’t familiar with. Today, letter writing is an all-but-vanished art form. Few of us have written more than a greeting card or...
You’ve taken time to write your sponsored child a letter, sharing the latest news from your family, asking how they are doing in school, and ultimately letting them know you’re praying for them daily. You seal the envelope and place it in the mailbox, hoping your...