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Extreme hunger crisis: How you can help

Extreme hunger crisis: How you can help

Extreme hunger. The images coming out of sub-Saharan Africa are heartbreaking — photos of children crying in pain and photos of parents, desperate to feed their toddlers, teaching them how to suck the marrow from the bones of animal carcasses. The African hunger...

Extraordinary Africa: Stories of Hope Unfold

After months of dreaming and planning, it’s finally here . . . our blogging journey through Africa is about to begin! Every time I go to Africa, I’m simply overwhelmed. The beauty of the people here is extraordinary. But they face some very daunting challenges . . ....

Famine Claims the Lives of Thousands

Today, my heart is heavy. Reports from the field and from our Director of Humanitarian Aid have confirmed my greatest fears about the famine in the Horn of Africa. Twelve million Somalis, Kenyans, and Ethiopians are starving due to the worst drought since the 1950s....

“See it, Say it, and Seize it”

We did not mind sending our son to the United States. It was easy, really. We sold our only car for about$1,000 dollars, gave him what we could and told him to walk by faith,” Albert Mavunga’s father said without hesitation. “More importantly,...

Crisis in the Horn of Africa

Most of us in America may just be hearing about the mounting crisis in Somalia and the surrounding nations in what is commonly called the “Horn of Africa.” Images of malnourished children and lines of refugees have only recently reached our television screens after...
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