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advocate highlight: hunter smith

The patter of hundreds of sneakered feet lunging past the starting line was a sound that 18-year-old Hunter Smith will never forget. As the pale spring sun was peeking over the tops of the Blue Ridge Mountains that cloudy March morning, Hunter had already been up for...

Two Friends, One Vision

  A year and a half ago, in the middle of a dump in rural Guatemala, a vision was born. It didn’t come from a trained team of international development staff or a big marketing firm . . . it came from two friends who shared in a defining moment that would change...

clean water: is your dream big enough?

It’s almost here . . . that highly anticipated transition from winter coats and chilly spring mornings into the open arms of summer. A time when backyard pools are uncovered and barbeques are set ablaze. A time when students are out of school and the furious pace of...

The Heart Behind World Help

The below is from guest blogger Michele-Lyn Ault. She is a wife of 15 years and mama to four, including the daughter she had at 16. She recently traveled as a World Help blogger to Guatemala in October 2012 and hopes to bring encouragement and stir passion to pursue...
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