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First Impressions | Blogger Trip Day Two

  OPERATION BABY RESCUE: DAY TWO by Lauren Mills Yesterday morning I caught my first glimpse of Guatemala through a small airplane window. Even from a distance, I could make out a thousand brightly colored, makeshift homes, squished and crammed on the leveled...

Bloggers Share the Story of Operation Baby Rescue

Coming up October 1-6, World Help will be teaming up with a group of writers and storytellers on a trip into the mountains of Guatemala and into the heart of Operation Baby Rescue. Through their eyes, you will be able to see the challenges faced by these impoverished...

Health to Guatemala: One Village at a Time

When Pastor Brian Bloye returned from a World Help sponsored trip to Guatemala, his heart was overwhelmed by the needs he saw in the indigenous communities there. A church-planting veteran and founder of the church-planting Launch Network, he has always had a passion...

Building Toward Transformation

Meet Mark Landolfi: humble, down-to-earth, an advocate of transforming impoverished Guatemalan communities. He appeared in our Total Village Transformation documentary during his second trip to the village of El Arco, a community partnering with Christ Community...

Noel Speaks at Liberty University’s Convocation

Earlier this week, I had the privilege of watching my daughter and World Help’s Vice President, Noel, speak to a jam-packed stadium of over 10,000 students and faculty at Liberty University. Thousands more watched via the live stream. Having spoken at my alma mater on...
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