Today is World AIDS Day, a day we unite to stand with those affected by this global pandemic. Although the HIV virus was unheard of until a few decades ago, more than 34 million people worldwide now suffer from it. The majority of those who are HIV-positive live in...
Northern Uganda | The Lord’s Resistance Army’s reign of terror throughout rural Uganda triggered a wave of mass chaos. Thousands of Ugandans fled to escape the violence of the rebel army, causing a refugee crisis of disastrous proportions. Because either...
Rwanda, April 1994 . . . I’ll never forget it. During 100 nightmarish days and nights, nearly 1 million Tutsi men, women, and children were mercilessly slaughtered by the machetes of their own Hutu neighbors. The world was left in shock as the news images caught up...
Every day, I try to live my life in such a way that I accomplish at least one thing that will outlive me and last for eternity.
Vernon Brewer President, World Help
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