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Rescue a child from the red zone

Rescue a child from the red zone

What does starvation look like? You’ve probably seen the images — children with swollen bellies, bony legs, and brittle, yellowed hair. Those images are devastating, but they are just one part of the harsh reality of a global food crisis. Starvation also looks like a...

Mari Audeli | A Rescue Story

Elsa was 16 years old and utterly destitute when she discovered she was going to have a baby. It was the last thing on earth she felt prepared to do. She wondered whether her emaciated, feeble body could even withstand the pregnancy. A gripping fear began to come over...

our pledge: their hope

On World Water Day, we asked you to pledge with us to improve global sanitation. We asked you to look honestly at the World Water Crisis, and we asked you to do something about it . . . and you did! With more than 1 billion people without access to safe drinking water...

Nearly 70,000 Slaughtered in Syria

Recently, I made an emergency trip to the Syrian border—what I saw was unforgettable. And now, I’m pleading for your help. After nearly two years of civil war and the senseless slaughter of almost 70,000 innocent civilians, the nation of Syria is collapsing . ....

Easter: The Gift of Hope

Happy Easter from the World Help family! Today, we want to pause and say thank you for joining us in bringing help and hope around the world. Easter is the celebration of Jesus Christ—His compassion, our renewal . . . and eternal hope. It marks the promise of...
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