Today was our team’s last day on the ground in the Middle East. It has been a truly incredible trip—one that God has used to bring help and hope to hundreds of people. I highly encourage you to read our reports from the field this past week. I am certain you will be...
After saying goodbye to our partnering staff and the incredible refugee families we met along the Syrian border, we set off for Turkey—a neighbor of Syria that is absorbing millions of people who have been uprooted from their homes because of persecution and conflict....
Our second day on the ground in Jordan was even more sobering than the first. The needs here are absolutely overwhelming! Being here is like stumbling on the scene of a mass tragedy. There is chaos, confusion, utter despair—the full scope/range of human misery on...
Today, I’m in Amman, Jordan, working alongside our humanitarian partners amidst one of the most desperate and widespread disasters I have ever witnessed. Our lead field strategist in Jordan is my long-time friend, Isam Ghattas. His cultural awareness has proven...
“Never again!” That was the battle cry heard round the world as a betrayed Rwanda stared bewildered into a shadowy future altered forever by genocide. “Never again,” we vowed after more than 800,000 Rwandans were butchered. “Never again,” we said to the families left...