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After Children of the World: Pascal’s Journey to Healing

“Your father has died,” Pascal’s mother said soberly. She could barely form the words as she looked into the sorrow-filled eyes of her five children. It was the only way she knew how to explain what had actually happened. Pascal’s father had shown symptoms of severe...

Day Eight | Sponsorship: The Gift that Changes Everything

Kampala, Uganda | The children of Good Samaritan School are survivors. Most have been directly impacted by the brutality of the LRA or the devastating AIDS epidemic. The majority are orphans with virtually no chance for survival . . . until they came to Good...

Day Four, Part II: This is How We Change the World

Kampala, Uganda | If you really want to change the world, you have to empower the next generation of young people to carry the torch. That’s exactly what we strive to do in each of our World Help Child Sponsorship Programs and with each member of our Children of the...
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