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The Three Prayers of a Widow

The village of Kaboga, Rwanda, is found at the end of dirt path flanked on either side by sprawling green rows of banana trees. This is the humble home to 45 widows and their children. The shockwaves of the genocide that leveled the country two decades ago are still...

Two Friends, One Vision

  A year and a half ago, in the middle of a dump in rural Guatemala, a vision was born. It didn’t come from a trained team of international development staff or a big marketing firm . . . it came from two friends who shared in a defining moment that would change...

advocate tournaments impact thousands

In the past few weeks alone, four golf tournaments have been hosted by causelife advocates on both sides of the country—from the rolling hills of Virginia to bright and balmy southern California—making a life-changing impact for thousands around the world who still...

Haiti’s Greatest Need

Last week, I was with a World Help team in Haiti, a nation still recovering from the devastating earthquake of January 2010. This natural disaster has produced some of the most complex and debilitating circumstances for a country already struggling under the weight of...

Pt 4 | Real-Life Revolutionaries

In the past three weeks, I have released a blog post every Sunday as part of a four-part series expounding on my recent address to 11,000 students at Liberty University called “Love That Can Change the World.” This week’s post is the final installment of the series. I...
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