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Day Eight | Sponsorship: The Gift that Changes Everything

Kampala, Uganda | The children of Good Samaritan School are survivors. Most have been directly impacted by the brutality of the LRA or the devastating AIDS epidemic. The majority are orphans with virtually no chance for survival . . . until they came to Good...

Day Six: A Place to Call Home

Northern Uganda | The Lord’s Resistance Army’s reign of terror throughout rural Uganda triggered a wave of mass chaos. Thousands of Ugandans fled to escape the violence of the rebel army, causing a refugee crisis of disastrous proportions. Because either...

Day Three and Day Four: How One Man’s Legacy is Changing Uganda

Yesterday our team traveled from Zimbabwe to Uganda—a country that has endured decades of terror, tragedy, and devastation at the hands of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).  It’s a place where the AIDS epidemic is relentless, where orphans wander the streets. The...

Unlocking Opportunity in Africa

Right now, I’m on my way to Africa—a continent that is no stranger to tragedy and one of the most difficult places in the world to live. The AIDS epidemic has devastated millions, leaving behind generations of orphans and child-led households. Poverty, economic...

Hope Amidst Terror

Recently, the Kony 2012 video has been seen by more than 65 million people. Kony 2012 is an initiative seeking justice for the atrocities Joseph Kony committed through the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). His infamous tactics involved abducting children, stripping them...
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