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When a father can’t feed his children…

When a father can’t feed his children…

“Please take my kids!” Mahdi’s desperate plea cracked over the poor reception of the phone line. And our partner in Jordan thought he must have heard Mahdi incorrectly. But he repeated, “Please take my kids.” Because he could no longer feed them. We’ve changed Mahdi’s...
Coronavirus around the world: Middle East

Coronavirus around the world: Middle East

Note: This is the third in a four-part series about how the coronavirus is affecting people around the globe. You can read about the effects of the pandemic in Africa here and in Latin America here, and check back soon on our blog to read the final post about Asia. ...
Love your neighbor … around the world

Love your neighbor … around the world

Walk into any grocery store and you’ll see them: Chocolates and heart-shaped candies lining the shelves. Roses sold by the dozen. Red and pink greeting cards with lovely sentiments. These all point to one special occasion — Valentine’s Day. Perhaps your kids are...
Refugees discover they can’t go home again

Refugees discover they can’t go home again

After months in a refugee camp, a woman we’ll call Hana decided to try going home. Home was all she thought about as she wiped dust off her children’s faces, cooked whatever food she could find, and cleaned their little spot of ground in the refugee camp. The day that...
No time for childhood

No time for childhood

When I was 12 years old, all I wanted was a pair of jeans from a certain popular store. That was what the cool kids were wearing, and like most pre-teens, I desperately wanted to be cool. I believed wholeheartedly those jeans were the key to elevating my social...
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